Friends, we are nearing the end of the Fall 2020 One Room Challenge. Have you checked out all of the amazing projects happening with this challenge? If not, go now and catch up! Click here to see all the beautiful things happening!
Last week I left you with the gas leaks, rain delays, and lots of frustrations. This week the skies cleared and, though there are still frustrations, questions on how in the world we’re gonna finish this in time, the end is so so close! I can feel it and SEE it! Are you all ready to see the progress?
OUtdoor Kitchen Update
Can we talk about how beautiful Polycor’s Georgia Marble is!
Last week I took you all through the process of picking out the stone for our outdoor countertops at Gramaco. I picked out two beautiful slabs of Georgia Marble from Polycor. I immediately fell in love with the dark gray veining and the white/gray background. In my mind I knew it would look amazing but after it was installed it looked even better in real life!
I cannot wait to sit at the bar with friends and family, watching the kiddos play or make smores around the firepit. This might be the best view in the house! Lots of you asked about the maintenance of having marble outside. It’s actually pretty easy! We will have to seal it every so often but nothing more than what you would do with your countertops in your kitchens. For this beautiful stone, it’s worth it!
Building the Path to the FirePIt
See the glass rocks in the firepit? I promise by next week we’ll have more bags of glass rocks delivered. A 48 inch firepit requires a lot more than we thought!
This week we added a path from the main patio to the firepit area. We used Polycor’s Carolina Coral Granite to add treads in a bed of river rock to the firepit that I am so in love with. Again, this is one of those things I knew would look great but seeing the finished product is so much better. I love how the coral plays off the many colors of river rock and also the Indiana Limestone on the firepit and the firepit wall.
Using the Woodbury Gray Granite to cap the circle breaks up the colors and makes it more of a thoughtful transition. I LOVE all the different colors we are using in our patio renovation. As I mentioned at the beginning of the challenge, I love to use color in my home and I wanted to extend that love of color to our patio too!
Just A Few More Things
We’re in the final checklist part of the project. Here’s what we have left:
Outdoor Kitchen
1. Hang Ceiling Fan/Light
2. Install Outlets throughout the kitchen
3. Install and hook up gas to the grill and side burner
4. Install outdoor fridge and trash can
5. Seal the Marble
Overall Patio Touchups
1. Fill in seams between the stone
2. Seal all surfaces
3. Seed around patio
4. Hang ceiling fan/light in dining area
5. Install outlets on pergolas
6. Add more glass stone to the firepit
After that checklist is done then I get to do the fun part of adding in the furniture and layers of colors and patterns and textures and then we are DONE! I can’t wait for next week’s reveal! See you all soon!